New UN reports has just appeared:
2.9 million trapped in modern-day slavery in China
China is a main source and also a significant transit and destination country for men, women, and children who are subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced labor and forced prostitution. Women and children from China are trafficked to Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and North America, predominantly Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Women and children from Myanmar, Vietnam, Mongolia, Russia North Korea, Romania and Ghana are trafficked to China for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor.
In Africa , Chinese have begun to invest in the area of trafficking of women as a sexual object, they use a lot of means to achieve it, including the role of the government that supports them.
I personally have had to witness this horror that is happening in a discreet and beneficial way to the corrupt government.
I decided to take a look at what those corrupt governments are making profit of those innocent kids .
There are some places that are served for rich and powerful members of the government who exploit and abuse those young who are deported or kidnaps to practice this abomination.
I continued my investigation by asking for the price and who are those girls !!
they only gave me the price of having sex with them ($100 for two hours) . I couldn't believe what I'm listening to . When i asked many questions they asked me to leave .
I started to know more about what happened , are those girls forced to do it, are they legally In this country, are they married one wanted to answer me honestly, so i decided to make some researches about China trafficking and i found a lot of information . like it appears in this picture, we can see that China and Russia are the first country where human trafficking is still practicing,. this horror inhuman act in the world .
China's legal definition of trafficking does not automatically regard children over the age of 14 who are subjected to the commercial sex trade as trafficking victims. Chinese laws only recognize forms of coercion other than abduction, such as threats of physical harm or non-physical harm, as constituting a means of trafficking. In the United States Department of State report, "Article 244 of the Chinese Criminal Law criminalizes forced labor, but prescribes punishments of a fine or no more than three years imprisonment, and only if the circumstances are found to be 'serious' - penalties which are not sufficiently stringent." In addition, the definition of trafficking does not pertain to male victims of trafficking or adult victims of labor trafficking.
The number of women suffering from sexual exploitation is exponentially increasing. Traffickers usually attract victims through false promises of high salaries and stable job incomes. Many women are deceived because of their poor education and they are often also marginalized minority groups who believe the false promises of traffickers who offer the hope of living an urban life.
The problem of sex trafficking stems from the gender imbalance present in China. Women are most likely sold into provinces like Henan in which the gender imbalance is particularly stark and where there is a high demand for women. Often, men kidnap the women after enticing them with promises of employment and money, but later sell them to villages and other provinces. Trafficked women are often then forced into marriage and therefore suffer from prolonged sexual exploitation. Particularly, according to the article on "Human Trafficking and Smuggling in China" by Cindy Chu, trafficked women were usually aged between 20 and 50 in the past, but "recently most of them were under 20 and some were girls as young as 12 years old.
As human trafficking is a prevalent problem within China, regulations and laws have been implemented in order to prohibit forms of trafficking. The Chinese government ratified the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol in December 2009, which obligates China to prohibit all forms of trafficking and bring its domestic laws into conformity with international standards within 24 months. The U.S. Department of State reported that China had "arrested 19 of the country’s 20 most wanted traffickers and pursuit of criminal networks and organized crime syndicates involved in trafficking."
The Chinese government passed a number of laws against trafficking and smuggling. The penalties for traffickers and buyers of the 'human goods' are high and severe. In fact, the laws against trafficking in women in China is as severe as the law prohibiting rape according to the U.S. Department of State in 2001. However, the amount of corruption and weak enforcement by officials have impeded the successful implementation of such laws and programs. In addition, police complicity with smugglers has further exacerbated the problem, leaving women vulnerable to trafficking and forced marriage.
Last chance !!!
In Africa, our investigation resulted by the some changes .
The government of each country decided to control every entry their territory, everyone must be registered if he/she is a foreigners workers, punished corrupter and stop dealing with some companies that used cargo to bring human as trafficking .
Many disposition was made but Chinese still find a way to get in without being detected .
The US government still keep warning China about that but unfortunately, the system keep growing every years .
07/5/2017 Article n*1
2.9 million trapped in modern-day slavery in China
China is a main source and also a significant transit and destination country for men, women, and children who are subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced labor and forced prostitution. Women and children from China are trafficked to Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and North America, predominantly Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Women and children from Myanmar, Vietnam, Mongolia, Russia North Korea, Romania and Ghana are trafficked to China for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor.
In Africa , Chinese have begun to invest in the area of trafficking of women as a sexual object, they use a lot of means to achieve it, including the role of the government that supports them.
I personally have had to witness this horror that is happening in a discreet and beneficial way to the corrupt government.
I decided to take a look at what those corrupt governments are making profit of those innocent kids .
There are some places that are served for rich and powerful members of the government who exploit and abuse those young who are deported or kidnaps to practice this abomination.
I continued my investigation by asking for the price and who are those girls !!
they only gave me the price of having sex with them ($100 for two hours) . I couldn't believe what I'm listening to . When i asked many questions they asked me to leave .
I started to know more about what happened , are those girls forced to do it, are they legally In this country, are they married one wanted to answer me honestly, so i decided to make some researches about China trafficking and i found a lot of information . like it appears in this picture, we can see that China and Russia are the first country where human trafficking is still practicing,. this horror inhuman act in the world .
China's legal definition of trafficking does not automatically regard children over the age of 14 who are subjected to the commercial sex trade as trafficking victims. Chinese laws only recognize forms of coercion other than abduction, such as threats of physical harm or non-physical harm, as constituting a means of trafficking. In the United States Department of State report, "Article 244 of the Chinese Criminal Law criminalizes forced labor, but prescribes punishments of a fine or no more than three years imprisonment, and only if the circumstances are found to be 'serious' - penalties which are not sufficiently stringent." In addition, the definition of trafficking does not pertain to male victims of trafficking or adult victims of labor trafficking.
The number of women suffering from sexual exploitation is exponentially increasing. Traffickers usually attract victims through false promises of high salaries and stable job incomes. Many women are deceived because of their poor education and they are often also marginalized minority groups who believe the false promises of traffickers who offer the hope of living an urban life.
The problem of sex trafficking stems from the gender imbalance present in China. Women are most likely sold into provinces like Henan in which the gender imbalance is particularly stark and where there is a high demand for women. Often, men kidnap the women after enticing them with promises of employment and money, but later sell them to villages and other provinces. Trafficked women are often then forced into marriage and therefore suffer from prolonged sexual exploitation. Particularly, according to the article on "Human Trafficking and Smuggling in China" by Cindy Chu, trafficked women were usually aged between 20 and 50 in the past, but "recently most of them were under 20 and some were girls as young as 12 years old.
As human trafficking is a prevalent problem within China, regulations and laws have been implemented in order to prohibit forms of trafficking. The Chinese government ratified the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol in December 2009, which obligates China to prohibit all forms of trafficking and bring its domestic laws into conformity with international standards within 24 months. The U.S. Department of State reported that China had "arrested 19 of the country’s 20 most wanted traffickers and pursuit of criminal networks and organized crime syndicates involved in trafficking."
The Chinese government passed a number of laws against trafficking and smuggling. The penalties for traffickers and buyers of the 'human goods' are high and severe. In fact, the laws against trafficking in women in China is as severe as the law prohibiting rape according to the U.S. Department of State in 2001. However, the amount of corruption and weak enforcement by officials have impeded the successful implementation of such laws and programs. In addition, police complicity with smugglers has further exacerbated the problem, leaving women vulnerable to trafficking and forced marriage.
Last chance !!!
In Africa, our investigation resulted by the some changes .
The government of each country decided to control every entry their territory, everyone must be registered if he/she is a foreigners workers, punished corrupter and stop dealing with some companies that used cargo to bring human as trafficking .
Many disposition was made but Chinese still find a way to get in without being detected .
The US government still keep warning China about that but unfortunately, the system keep growing every years .
Combating Human Trafficking in Asia Requires Leadership !!!
To eradicate this problem, many countries and governments need to join their powers to defeat what cause many families to lose , see their kids abuse and others...
Gathering and being one is the unique remedy !!!
Brahim Mahamat Zene
07/5/2017 Article n*1
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